Saturday, June 21, 2014

TEN TIMES OBAMA "JUST LEARNED ABOUT IT." And if you don't agree, you're a racist.

Have you ever heard anyone that's disagreed with President Obama's policies being called a racist by the intellectually bankrupt leftist minions? You say say, "Only all the time." I figured as much. Me too! 

The race card accusation is the standard defensive argument hurled by blindly loyal Obama supporters, who like lemmings jumping off a cliff, or mice following the Pied Piper, have been carried away to the vapid noggin, "blank-stare" (aka BS) corral in 2008 and 2012, captivated by a cult of personality. The very limiting argument is used against a white person, usually male, when that person disagrees with the policies, or even just one policy of the Obama administration. If the person happens to be an African American and they disagree, they are called “Uncle Tom,” and said to be disloyal sell-outs to their race (Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Allen West, Herman Cain, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice). Such unintellectual proclamations further fuels a divisive narrative that Obama himself loves to fan via political and media surrogates. It should be pointed out however, that corruption and gross incompetence are conditions perfectly capable of being as racially blind as the theoretical application of justice is, when correcting that corruption and incompetence. With this administration, however, those conditions that violate the Constitution and break law after law have become so pervasive, reality itself has been warped and is now unrecognizable. 

“Oh a real CIA guy, the station chief in Afghanistan had his cover blown? Don’t worry about it. It’s not like he was as important as a desk clerk at Langley.” Unfortunately, the application of those checks and balances regarding justice is becoming more and more theoretical, while the wide scale corruption and gross incompetence is an unfortunate reality, and mushrooming in scale.

We have all but forgotten about the unfortunate White House slip up that blew the Station Chief’s cover (violation of law right? - Scooter Libby went to jail for the Valerie Plame cover leak), and that’s because it was squeezed in between the VA Scandal blowup and the Bergdahl fiasco. By the way, Valerie Plame had this to say about the White House's goof: that they (White House) were "Colossally Stupid." Is she a racist? Outed CIA agent Valerie Plame calls leak of Kabul operative 'colossally stupid' 

Former Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame

And since the Bergdahl FUBAR situation we now have the crisis on the boarders with illegal immigrant children (60,000 since the beginning of the year) and of course, Iraq igniting (see my post from the June 18). All of those events have occurred in the just in the month of June, and we are only at the end of the third week.

Sad to break the news to the diehard defenders of Obama, the president's troubles do actually exist, and are not the making of a Congress that's bent on countering the administration at every turn because he’s a black man. The gridlock is primarily Obama's fault - he is the president, and is supposed to lead. Rather than attempt to work with Congress as the Constitution calls for, the president invents a Republican straw man, blames things on him, and then uses that awful fictitious person or persons to justify the use of his pen in an Executive Order.

Fortunately, in an effort to restore the balances designed by the establishment of three branches of power, and thwart Obama's further attempt at an unconstrained imperial presidency, executive order after executive order has been struck down by the Supreme Court, as being unconstitutional and in violation of the law, but not before the damage has been done. Obama's National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was deemed unconstitutional. Obama's minimum wage executive order was deemed unconstitutional. During the 2012-2013 term the high court the court rejected Obama’s arguments on property rights, affirmative action, and voting rights. These were loses on significant cases with unanimous decisions, where Obama couldn't even hold the votes of its own appointees — Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. 2013-2014 is proving to be even more of a disaster for the Obama v. Supreme Court scorecard. Those mounting unanimous decisions going against Obama are not because Obama is black and the justices are nine racists. The failed policies are stacking up and coming home to roost as well, drooping the administration’s shoulders with the weight of an albatross weighing as much as $18 trillion in debt and $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Aunt Jemima - Stacey Dash
The VA Scandal is not a right-wing, racist conspiracy, unless you believe that the veterans intentionally opted not to keep their appointments on the chance they would get sick and die in order to make Obama look bad because he’s black. Diane Feinstein did not criticize Obama for ignoring Congress and not informing them on the Bergdahl swap because she’s a racist – or are the racists just the Republicans that disagree with him? The real racists are those that continue to use the race card at every turn in order to suit their own agenda. Al Sharpton is a racist. Jesse Jackson is a racist. The rancher in Arizona is a racist. The NAACP is a racist organization, but not blind to honoring accused racists and praising them for benevolence after big dollar donations are made. Obama is failing on foreign policy and as a president, and I believe most reasonable Americans will agree with those observations. Recent polls support that notion, case in point a Washington Post/ ABC poll.

Obama’s overall approval according to that Washington Post/ABC poll is just 41%, and only 37% approve of his handling of Foreign Policy. 30% approved of the Bergdahl swap. Chuck Todd of NBC said that these numbers are “a disaster for the president.” He further added that scandals coming one after another, every single week a new one, are taking their toll, equivocating that “Essentially the public is saying, ‘Your presidency is over.’”

Show me successes that Obama has without detrimental consequences to a majority. Give me evidence of Obama’s engagement on relevant issues where decisiveness and the best interests of the people that elected Obama on both occasions, are major part the game plan - not his legacy. Remember, Obama doesn’t just represent the slightly more than one third of the country that now approves of his job handling skills, he also represents that other larger percentage, the majority of the country most negatively impacted by his weakness and dithering on foreign policy, and his horrendous executive orders that squeeze American businesses, target political opposition with the illegal use of government agencies such as the IRS, and writes off every actual scandal as something he just learned of on the news. He says that often - probably his most quotable comments. I believe he's said that at least ten (10) times - that he was blindsided or just learned about "it."

1. Islamist militants gaining in Iraq

The New Yorker (1/27/2014): "In the 2012 campaign, Obama spoke not only of killing Osama bin Laden; he also said that Al Qaeda had been 'decimated.' I pointed out that the flag of Al Qaeda is now flying in Fallujah, in Iraq, and among various rebel factions in Syria; Al Qaeda has asserted a presence in parts of Africa, too.

'The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,' Obama said, resorting to an uncharacteristically flip analogy. 'I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.'"

The Wall Street Journal (6/11/2014): Iraq Drama Catches US Off Guard

2. Russia's intervention in Ukraine

AP (3/4/14): "A White House spokeswoman declined to comment on whether Obama was satisfied with the intelligence he received on Russian intentions in Ukraine. But spokesmen for the U.S. intelligence community defended its work.

The Central Intelligence Agency says it’s always noted the possibility of aggressive military action.

'Prior to and throughout the situation in Ukraine, the intelligence community has provided timely and valuable information that has helped policy makers understand the situation on the ground and make informed decisions. That continues to be the case today,' said Shawn Turner, a spokesman for Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. 'Any suggestion that there were intelligence shortcomings related to the situation in Ukraine are uninformed and misleading.'

... While officials appear to disagree about the insights offered by U.S. intelligence, it’s beyond dispute that a lot of public commentary pundits offered as the Ukraine crisis unfolded was less than clairvoyant."

3. NSA spying on foreign leaders

Wall Street Journal (10/28/2013): "Obama was unaware for the last 5 years, the NSA had been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other members of world leaders. Only after an internal Obama administration review in 2013 did the White House know of the spying."

President Obama news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan (5/16/2013): "I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the I.G. report before the I.G. report had been leaked through press -- through the press."

4. VA waiting list scandal

Jay Carney during a White House press briefing (5/19/2014):

JIM ACOSTA, CNN: "When was the president first made aware of these problems? Of these fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times, when was he first made aware of those problems? And when did other White House officials, top White House officials, become aware of these problems?"

JAY CARNEY: "When you say these problems, the fact that there have been bureaucracies --"

ACOSTA: "The delays have been known for some time."

CARNEY: "You mean the specific allegations that I think were reported first by your news network out of Phoenix, I believe. We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case. But that is when we learned about them and that is when I understand Secretary Shinseki learned about them, and he immediately took the action that he has taken."

5. IRS targeting scandal

President Obama in a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Cameron (May 13, 2013): "Well, let me take the IRS situation first. I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday."

6. failing

Remarks by President Obama on (10/21/2013): "Of course, you've probably heard that -- the new website where people can apply for health insurance and browse and buy affordable plans in most states -- hasn't worked as smoothly as it was supposed to work. And the number of people who visit the site has been overwhelming which has aggravated some of these underlying problems."

Jay Carney during a White House press briefing (10/23/2013): "While we knew that there would be some glitches and actually said publicly that we expected some problems, we did not know until the problems manifested themselves after the launch that they would be as significant as they have turned out to be."

7. DOJ obtaining AP phone records

Jay Carney during a White House press briefing (5/14/2013):

QUESTION: "When did the president find out about the Department of Justice's subpoenas for the Associated Press?"

CARNEY: "Yesterday. Let me just be clear. We don’t have any independent knowledge of that. He found out about the news reports yesterday on the road."

QUESTION: "What was his reaction to that? Does he believe that this was an overreach?"

CARNEY: "All I can tell you is that I cannot and he cannot comment specifically on an ongoing criminal investigation or actions that investigators at the Department of Justice may or may not have taken. It would be wholly inappropriate. And if we did comment on it, or if we did have insight into it, you would appropriately ask why and is that correct procedure, because it would not be."

8. Fast and Furious scandal

Jay Carney during a White House press briefing (6/27/2012): "The president did not know about this tactic until he heard about it through the media; the attorney general did not know about it."

9. Air Force One flyover in Manhattan

President Obama during media availability on arrival at FBI headquarters (4/28/2009):

QUESTION: "Sir, what do think of the Air Force One incident --"

THE PRESIDENT: "No -- no questions --"

QUESTION: "-- over New York City yesterday, sir?"

QUESTION: "Are you concerned about New York City yesterday, sir, with the Air Force plane?"

THE PRESIDENT: "It was a mistake, as was -- as was stated. It was something we found out about along with all of you and it will not happen again. Thank you."

10. CIA Afghanistan Station Chief cover blown when a list of VIP attendees at Obama's surprise visit to Bagram Air Field was distributed by ?, in an e-mail to 6000 recipients, mostly news agencies including Al Jazeera, at e-mail addresses worldwide. Here's one case of saying "we learned about it from the news" that apparently can't be refuted. The White House actually did learn of this "colossally stupid" mistake from the news when the Washington Post's Scott Wilson caught the major blunder and told them. 

There you have it. And if you believe any of it, or don't agree with Mr. Obama's assertion that there's, "not a smidgen of corruption" at the IRS, you just might be labeled a racist, southern white man, even if you're name is Stacey Dash. 

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