Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We Got The Bastard - a prologue to the next post

DECEMBER 25, 2001

HANIF ZAR WALI WAS TWENTY-TWO when he was found hiding in back of a stone Pashtun outhouse. Filthy, hungry and near hypothermic, he was curled up asleep under a pile of dried goat bladders that were used to carry water. He’d been there for twelve hours, and was awakened by the warm splatter of urine from a man now accustomed to relieve himself outdoors rather than in.
The sudden movement of the pile got the attention of the Special OPs commando, who without interrupting his stream, lowered the business end of his M4 assault rifle and kicked away the bladders, revealing prey. The sleeper’s eyes opened to see a bearded hunter looking down at him, expressionless. The Navy SEAL continued on with his job at hand, but now had a tan, well-worn boot placed firmly on the dreaming man’s throat. Hanif Zar Wali tried to speak, uttering “Baaz,” before the SEAL shifted his weight, spun the rifle, and dropped the butt squarely on the sleeper’s forehead.

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