Friday, October 2, 2009

And The Oscar Goes To...

The much-anticipated meeting between the five members of the United Nations Security Council and the Iranian delegation wrapped up their talks in Geneva yesterday. The result was not all that surprising either - Iran would reluctantly allow the IAEA inspectors access to their underground power plant near Qom, a plant that was a secret to the IAEA until September 25th, and that has an unbelievable capacity for 3000 centrifuges. May the foot dragging commence! While the IAEA inspectors hurry up to wait, Iran will continue to enrich uranium at its primary weapons facility at Natanz. Yippee!
Sorry to announce, but Iran's reluctant AOK of the IAEA inspection of Qom (and the Oscar goes to...) is nothing more than a minor or diverting incident from something that is vastly more important. That's right - it's a sideshow! Natanz is the place they really need to be poring over. However, and very much unfortunate I might say, while the inspectors, the UN, and Obama become prematurely giddy with their perceived success (kind of like mark to market if you're a bank applauding as yet unearned income), and start drooling like my chocolate lab waiting to be fed, over a report that's at least a year away, the Iranians will have enough weapons grade enriched uranium to make their first bomb. Welcome to the nuclear club Ahmadinejad and thank God, that the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1887 regarding nuclear nonproliferation.

I suppose only under the faint tapping of president Obama's gavel could a Security Council Chairman have gotten the big five and a bunch of unheard of third world countries to sign such a piece of fantasy. How about a big stadium wave at the next Dolphins game for achieving such a triumphant conclusion using hither to before unheard of statesmanship and diplomatic virtuosity. Anyone need a Brooklyn Bridge or seen the tooth fairy?

Since we have moved to fictional tales, on the post below I have an excerpt from "Falcon On The Tower."

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